Guests – Thomas & Debbie Anholt, Dustin Shanky, Reid Decker, Michael & Martina Fetter, Kevin Pannell, Edith Rylander, Rhia Wenhaus, Zekra Brasher, Shannan & Michael Troyer, Jodie Jones, Paul Prior, Mark Smethurst, Liz Opiela and Kimarie Wolf.

Day 1: 
Aggressor staff lead by Ruwan greeted the guests at Katunayake airport Columbo around 1pm on the 29th January Sunday and left for the Safari lodge at Wilpattu. The coach stopped at local cafe for refreshments and gave the guests their first experience on the local food. 

On arrival to the Aggressor Sri Lanka Lodge, guests were greeted by staff and guide Sampath took them to reception and restaurant for their introduction. Guests were offered pastries and other nibbles before being escorted  to their private chalets.

Everyone freshened up and came back around 7.30 pm to the pool area for welcome drinks. Around 8:00 pm the guests had their 4 course dinner meal. 

Day 2:
Chef packed breakfast for all the guests before departing the lodge for Sigiriya rock. Guests start to climb the rock around 8:00 am and within hour were on top of the rock seeing the magnificent surrounding and the incredible construction works which dates back thousands of years.

Guests had their lunch in a local restaurant and everyone enjoyed the local foods on offer. After lunch guests transferred to a Amaya lake beautiful hotel in Dambulla.
Around 6.30 guests were transferred to a protected 50 acer reserve where the guests were treated to a night safari that focuses on the elusive Sri Lankan Loris. Guests were rewarded with several sittings

Around 9 pm guests were transferred back to the hotel where they had their dinner.

Day 3:

After breakfast group were taken to the Polonnaruwa ancient city. On the way the bus stopped for local king coconut drinks for everyone.

The Lodges head guide, Sampath first showed and explained to the guests the 3 variety of local Monkey species and their behavior patterns, daily habits and hierarchy. Then he took everyone to the ancient relics sites guests were amaze by how the stone mason's back in the day manage to carve the massive lord Buddha statue so perfectly.

Again lunch at a local restaurant where so much variety of foods.

Around 4.30 pm guests were back in the lodge. Had  a late night sleep with lots of wine.

Day 4:

Guests woke a bit late and had a late breakfast some guests took the opportunity to walk around the lodge were they saw lot of birds specially lots of peacocks.

Most relax the day near pool with few beers and fruit drinks after lunch guests left for their first game drive at Wilpattu national park. It was a amazing day where guests witness all the animals. Two leopard sitting together sunning themselves, a sloth bear, park jackels, wild boar, crocodiles, deer, elephants and other animals. Also a variety of birds some that can only be seen in Sri Lanka.

Around 7, everyone came back to the lodge and had their four course dinner.

Day 5:

After breakfast guests were taken to Anuradhapura ancient 300 AD city. 

Around 2:00 pm guests were taken to Minnariya National Park where guests witness more than 100 elephants gathering, proving Sri Lanka hosts some of the largest herds of Asian Elephant in the Asian region 

After Minnariya National Park all the guests returned to the lodge for dinner and a well earned rest. 

Day 6:

Around 7 am guests entered in the Wilpattu National Park for the second game drive and again were treated to lots of good animal siteings specially water buffalo's.

Came back to the lodge round 12:00 noon for lunch and to rest in the afternoon. Around 7 pm lodge staff arrange barbecue party for guests near the pool area with fire pit. Another fantastic night with good foods and drinks.

Day 7:

After late breakfast guests where guests were taken to the middle of a lake for fishing session. All guests manage to catch fishes and the staff cooked them for the guests. Guests took the opportunity to experience the local village life surrounding the Aggressor Safari Lodge.

Day 8: 

In the morning guests were transferred to the beach hotel near airport before their trip home.