OnAdventure Network

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OnAdventure Network

Starting in June 2024, Aggressor will launch an “OnAdventure Network” in select destinations. Destinations equipped with this system will allow guests free IP access to the yacht's hub, where they can review safety materials for their destination (such as the guest room handbook) and view promotional videos of other destinations.

Guests may also choose to purchase a Seafi code for internet access.  Each Seafi code is $25 and allows 8 gigabytes of data.  For additional data access, you simply buy an additional code.   The system will allow users to check email and use communiciation tools such as iMessage and What’s App, and surf web pages. 


Satellite Voice Communications

Aggressor destinations all have a satellite phone for emergency communications use. The charge for voice calls using the in-house system ranges between USD 4 and USD 5 per minute. Both incoming and outgoing calls are billable.   
For the past 20 years this has been a workable solution for our guests who need to place one or two short calls to address an issue at home or work. As our world has progressed, we realize that some guests need more frequent access to communications with incoming and outgoing service. The most economical solution to this is to rent a satellite phone and bring it with you on your adventure. Eventually all yachts, river cruises and signature lodges will be apart of the OnAdventure Network.
Searching "Satellite Phone Rentals" will return numerous options for you to explore. Ordering is easy, and your phone arrives configured and ready to use.
Searching "Satellite Phone Rentals" will return numerous options for you to explore. Ordering is easy, and your phone arrives configured and ready to use.

Satellitephone 700pxSat Phone Frequently Asked Questions:
In which country is a satellite phone banned?
Sat phones are not permitted to be used or brought into the following countries:
– India
– Sri Lanka
– Cuba
– Poland
– Hungary
– Sudan
– North Korea
– Nigeria
– China
– Myanmar
– Chad
Can I turn my cell phone into a sat phone?
Not directly. Your smart phone (tablet, etc) would need to rent a satellite internet unit and connect to that to use its data plan.  
Can a satellite phone use WhatsApp?
Satellite phones cannot use WhatsApp since it is a wifi enabled app. You would need to rent a satellite internet unit that would allow you access to its data package.
Where do satellite phones work?
That depends on the network your handset utilizes.
Iridium Network: Works Worldwide
Inmarsat Network: Works everywhere but polar regions
Globalstar Network: Lower 48 of the USA
Thuraya Network: Europe, Asia, Africa, Russia, and Australia.
Can we talk from a satellite phone to an ordinary phone?
Yes, satellite phones can call and receive calls from an ordinary cell phone and landlines. 
Do Satellite Phones have unique numbers?
Yes. Satellite phones have their own country codes and individual numbers (typically 12 digits) for direct dial. Some service providers also offer a "regular" phone number that automatically connects to your sat phone for a small additional fee.
What features do Satellite Phone Rental Package typically include?
  • Phone
  • Charger
  • Pre-Paid airtime package
  • Outgoing calls
  • Incoming calls
  • Voicemail
  • SMS (text messaging) inbound and outbound
If I use all of the minutes in my pre-paid airtime package, does my phone get shut off?
No. If you exceed the pre-paid minutes in your package, additional minutes are charged to your credit card at the prevailing per minute rate. (This is disclosed as part of your rental when you buy the packge.) You can also use your phone to call the service provider and purchase an additional pre-paid bundle to obtain more minutes.
What happens to any pre-paid airtime package minutes that I do not use?
These are forfeited when the rental is complete.  Any remaining minutes on the package expire and are forfeited.
Do Sat phones offer FREE incoming calls?
"Free Incoming calls" do not exist on satellite phones. Someone pays for the airtime of every call.
With most service providers, a two-stage dialing number is used that allows the caller to dial an access number, for the price of a normal long-distance call, and then input the sat phone number and a PIN code to connect. This call counts against bundled minutes or is billed at the contracted per minute satellite rate. This way relatives and business associates can contact you for the price of a normal long-distance call. 
However, if an sat phone is dialed directly, without the two-stage dialing process, the call is billed to the person dialing, at rates between $4 to $11/ minute, and the call does not count against bundled minutes, and is not billed to the rental customer.
How do I get reception on a satellite phone?
You must be outside, with a clear view of the sky. Anything solid will interrupt the signal (i.e. buildings or other obstructions). Once you turn the phone on, it will start looking for service. The phone will register once it has connected to the satellite and then the phone is ready to make and receive calls.
Can I call a toll-free number (800) from my satellite phone?
No, you cannot access 1-800 numbers from typical satellite phones.