Green The Fleet

Green The Fleet®

Green the Fleet® strives to make the adventure lifestyle environmentally sustainable for adventurers and the health of our oceans and lands. Aggressor Adventures® recognize the urgent plight of our environments and works to combine both excellent service with environmental awareness, actions, and stewardship. All welcome briefings include information about our environmental initiatives, conserving water, and respectful interactions with wild life. New sustainability initiatives will build on existing green operations already in place across the company.

For Example:

  • Switching from single-use plastic bags to small, compostable, non-plastic garbage bags.
  • Source their seafood from a local, certified responsible fishery, and purchases only local produce, meats, and sustainable seafood.
  • Participate in local recycling efforts; and donate any items which are still in good condition to local charities.
  • Purchase beverages in glass bottles or cans only and provide each guest with a complimentary re-usable water bottle.
  • Limiting the use of plastic storage bags (Ziploc) by using reusable storage containers.
  • Use primarily non-toxic, biodegradable cleaners.

To increase environmental sustainability, Green the Fleet® will work towards eliminating single-use plastics from all Aggressor destinations beginning with plastic straws, cups, and utensils; and single-use plastic water bottles will be phased out and replaced with stainless steel, reusable water bottles. Destinations that don’t already use non-toxic, biodegradable cleaners will begin to switch to ones that are, and where available, LED lighting will also be phased in. Guests can expect welcome gifts that are more environmentally friendly such as Aggressor Adventures® luggage tags made from natural materials instead of plastics and plastic-free or recycled packaging. To further help protect the coral reefs, Aggressor’s Green the Fleet® initiative will provide Stream2Sea coral-safe sunscreen and shampoo for divers.