Air Temp. 77-86+ F
Water Temp. 81-83 F
Visibility 45-100+ft
Captain Dennis
Engineer Simon
Instructor Daniel
Instructor Rocke
Stewardess Elia
Sous Chef Carlos
Chef Jerry
Roger, Amy, Frank, Joanne, Ronnie, Nils, Judy, Jeff, Flora, Laura, Rick, Ryan, Alison, Jen, Ashley, Wes, Steve and Brett
Sunday – Zipline, Black Beauty
Monday – Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall
Tuesday – Blue Hole, Uno Coco
Wednesday – Silver Cave, Quebrada
Thursday – Long Caye Ridge, Painted Wall,
Friday – Amberhead South
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Saturday July 24th
It was a picture perfect Saturday as guests boarded the Belize Aggressor IV for a Week Of Exploring The Underwater World Around Turneffe Caye, Long Caye, Half Moon Caye and The Famous Blue Hole.
Sunday July 25th
It was daylight however; it would be another 30 minutes before the Sun would rise as the Belize Aggressor IV Departed Her Home Port At The Radisson Marina Fort George in Belize City, Belize. While making our way to our dive sites for the day guests enjoy a Colorful Sunrise and a Wonderful Breakfast. Today we stayed around Turneffe Caye diving two Dive Sites, one called Zipline, and Located on the Northwest Side and Black Beauty Located on the Southeast Side of the Island. We knew it would be an Excellent Day of Diving when while diving our first site Zipline Dolphins swam near the Belize Aggressor IV and Yes several guests had in water Encounters. Just some of the Marine Life We Enjoyed today was Nurse Sharks, Permits, Large Barrel Sponges, Colorful Whip Corals, Huge School of Creole Wrasses, Spotted Moray Eels, Free Swimming Green Moray Eels, Juvenile Spotted Drums, Friendly Queen Angelfish, Spotted Eagle Rays, Caribbean Reef Sharks and White Spotted Toadfish! WOW Great First Day!!
Monday July 26th
Today started just as yesterday did with Dolphins as we visited our first dive site called Half Moon Caye Wall. Other Marine Life we enjoyed with the Bottlenose Dolphins was Ocean Triggerfish, Green Moray Eels, Big Loggerhead Turtle, Very Friendly Nassau Groupers, Spotted Eagle Rays and Lots of Caribbean Reef Sharks! We used the afternoon to Explore Long Caye Wall where we swam with Schools of Tarpon, Huge Barrel Sponges, Colorful Rope Sponges, Wire Shrimps, Arrow Blennies, Angelfish, Chubs, Mackerel, Caribbean Reef Sharks, Spotted Eagle Rays, Octopus, Squids, however the highlight at least for this guest was when a Juvenile Loggerhead swam just inches from his mask for a closer look. When you take your time and move slowly underwater you never know what the Marine Life will do and here it paid off for our guest!
Tuesday July 27th
In 1971 ocean pioneer Jacques-Yves Cousteau declared the Blue Hole one of the Top Ten Dive Sites in the World. Today this 1000 foot across and over 400 feet deep site is still visited by thousands of divers each year. On this Tuesday it was the guests on the Belize Aggressor IV Exploring This Famous Dive Site First Thing in the Morning! Swimming around the Huge Stalagmite and Stalactite was the Perfect Way to start the day! For the afternoon we made our way back to the Long Caye Area and the Dive Site called Uno Coco. Divers enjoyed a Very Colorful Wall, Large Deep Water Fans and Barrel Sponges; from the small Arrow Blennies to the Large Loggerhead Turtle guest enjoyed a Huge Variety of Marine Life. Other Creatures and Fish that we enjoyed was Large Black Groupers, Snappers, Spotted Moray Eels, Feeding Tarpon, Atlantic Thorny Oysters, Trumpetfish and Several Caribbean Sharks coming Close for a look. An Excellent Day of Diving!
Wednesday July 28th
Today we started at the dive site called Silver Cave. Silver Cave is a Colorful Wall where a small swim thru is located in the wall, normally filled with Hundreds of Silversides. While we only had a few Silversides we did have a very colorful dive encountering Small Loggerhead and Hawksbill Turtles, Queen Angelfishes, Schooling Creole Wrasses, Neck Crabs, Caribbean Reef Sharks and Spotted Eagle Rays. For the afternoon we visited one of my personal favorite dive sites in the Caribbean, called Quebrada. This dive site is always Amazing, with a Huge Array of Gorgonians. You can open up any Reef Coral Book and pick something and it can be found on Quebrada. I love swimming next to the Large Busy Black Coral or the Colorful Rope Sponges. We also swam near Caribbean and Spotted Spiny Lobsters, Goldentail Moray Eels, Atlantic Thorny Oysters, Spotted Drums, Caribbean Reef Sharks, stuck in the middle of a school of 16 Big Tarpon, Octopuses and Squids. Like all the days before we ran out of time before we ran out of Marine Life to Enjoy!
Thursday July 29th
For our last full day of diving our dive sites along Long Caye were Long Caye Ridge, Painted Wall and Cathedral. While exploring these three Colorful Dive Sites we Enjoyed Painted Tunicates, Magnificent Urchins, Atlantic Thorny Oysters, Rough Fileclams, Busy Black Corals, Colorful Rope and Tube Sponges, Reef Sharks, Queen Angelfish, Juvenile Spotted Drums, Nassau and Tiger Groupers, Hawksbill Turtle, Large Barrel Sponges, Boulder Brain Corals, During The Day Dives Free Swimming Green Moray Eels, Dimpled Sheet Corals, Spotted Eagle Rays. However the highlight of the day was when a Small Hawksbill Turtle swam up to our guest and was face to face almost look like it gave her a small kiss. Another Adventurous Full Day Of Diving!
Friday July 30th
Our final dive site to visit was Amberhead South. Divers enjoyed a relaxing dive swimming with schools of Snapper, Big Channel Clinging Crabs, Spotted Moray Eel and Free Swimming Green Moray Eel, Tiger and Nassau Grouper, Huge barrel Sponges and Array of Soft and Hard Corals, Indigo Hamlets, and a Huge Variety of Marine Life. It was the perfect relaxing dive to end an Amazing Week Exploring the Underwater World of Belize With the Likes of Moray Eels, Sharks, Turtles, Eagle Rays and Dolphins. Only on the Belize Aggressor IV Can Enjoy A Exciting Adventure and Relax At The Some Time. See You Soon!!
The Crew Would Like To Thank Everyone For Joining Us On The Belize Aggressor IV!!!
Until The Next Time Safe Travels…
Best Fishes,
Belize Aggressor IV Crew